Sunday, February 22, 2009

Child Services Would not Approve

I came down stairs and Landon was finishing up his latest invention. He took two big tires off one of his cars, taped seran wrap over the opening, and connected tongue depressors on the sides. Wa-La!! Protective eyewear. He needed goggles so his eyes wouldn't be damaged on his "ride." The tongue depressors didn't work, but instead of throwing in the towel, he just taped them to his spider-man mask. When his goggles were secured he added his helmet, snow boots, jacket and gloves for padding and protection.



Whoa!! Steady now!!

(He hit the wall at the end of stairs everytime.
Good thing he was wearing his protective gear.)


bostonshumways said...

Landon is way too cool. BOTH Hazel and Charlie have a crush on him. Hazel told me today that she's been trying to decide who she wants to marry between Adler and Landon. Today she decided on Landon, but she wants Adler for a boyfriend. Hmmm. What kind of family values are we teaching this kid. Anyway, I'm all for her marrying Landon.

Molly said...

He is so cool and inventive. No doubt Landon gives you lots of smiles!

Angi said...

I'll give them your address after their done at my house

erin said...

If you didn't post the pictures, they would never know! haha!! I wish my boys were as inventive. I would have far more ripped tummy muscles from laughing so hard!!! Maybe that's your secret?