The other day Landon chose to eat a cookie during the day instead of having a "special" treat after dinner. Come dinner time he finished his food expecting to get the "special." Well I ain't no push over (ok, only sometimes) and I didn't give it to him. So he ran to his room and yelled "I want Daddy, Taylor and me to all be alive and I want you to be DESTROYED!!!!" I don't know where he came up with that word, but he used it quite well. Other words in his vocabulary include:
1. "Dude,"
2. "Oh, man,"
3. "Boys are strong and girls are weak,"
4. "Rock and roll,"
5. "I am speed,"
6. "Look at my muscles,"
7. "I am impossible!!" (he meant 'invincible'),
8. "Ah, dang it!"
Here's a picture of Landon doing his "boy" thing. He wanted a car lift so he could lay on his back on his skateboard and slide under his dumptruck to fix it with his tools. Not a bad mechanic, eh?
Taylor, on the other hand, is....well...not a boy. Her vocabulary is small, but definitely different:
1. "Daddy" may be interpreted as daddy, Landon, ducky, or doggie
2. "Ba-bye"
3. "Hi"
4. "Thank you"
5. "Meow" used for any animal. Usually cats and dogs or any four legged creature
6. "Baby"
7. "Pee-pee" used for pee, or poo
She likes to dress up. Hats, shoes, socks, and jewelry are her usual favorites. But she recently found Landon's goggles and one of Landon's old Halloween costumes.
I am speed... that is so Landon!
Destroyed... man, he's so hard core!
Despite you Megan, Taylor may be a little girly now and again. No worries though, she'll turn out tough! She'll also teach baby #3 to be tough!
OK I think I am peeing my pants laughing. Probably it hit home as I think I've been the subject of phrases like that once or twice. It is always funnier happening to someone else though!! Thanks for sharing.
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