I really, really, really, adore my children. They're funny and smart and imaginative, and I love to be around them. They bring a lot of happiness to my life. This particular day, however, I did not have such loving feelings. Last week I decided to work on photography while taking my children on a nature walk. I am to blame for failing in this endeavor. I didn't pack snacks, it was close to dinner time, the trail was longer than expected, Taylor hadn't had a nap and I really was focused on taking pictures. Needless to say, it wasn't the most enjoyable nature walk. Lesson learned: Never try to get in "me" time while trying to entertain children--especially close to dinner time.
but your pics turned out beautifully!! how did you bring out the colors so vividly? or was it just that beautiful? we miss you!
At least you got some quality pics in!
Hi Megan,
This is Rachael Stevenson from EHS!! Well now it's Rachael Brooks from Buckley. I found your blog from following Scott and Carol's life. They are both amazing people, I know you are proud. Well, I just wanted to say Hi and let you know that I love your pics, you kids are soo cute and I love how you described you last birth. I also am a big believer and doer of natural birth! I have 2 kiddos, my son McCoy is 2 1/2 and my daughter Finley just turned one on the day before Halloween. They are the really funny kids, who look like their father.:) How is Boston treating you?? I know the new england autums are awesome. Okay longest comment ever. I'll keep in touch, update you on the happenings of some the EHS crew. I'm acutally going to see Katie Bolton and Micah Taylor tomorrow,I started a book club..I think it's what mom's and old ladies do. But should be fun. My email is rachls@hotmail.com. Take Care Megan.
You are amazing! I loved your pictures and had to put one on our desktop background. We just got our beautiful fall colors last week and a nice little windstorm came through and blew them all down already. Makes me sad. loved talking to you last night and I think you are one AMAZING and hot 30yrold mama! I was never as patient, joyful or good-looking! WE LOVE YOU MEGAN!
Hi Meagan,
It's Andrea!
Thom and I check the blog all the time, we just started our own too!
keep updating we love seeing pictures of all the little ones!!
Beautiful pictures Megan!! WOW!!! You are amazing!
I love your blog! Your little Audra is so cute! And Landon and Taylor are getting so big. I love the pic's!
Take care-
Trish Campbell
Love your family picture! I will email soon-we've relocated (temp)and are out of our comfort zone still. We hope your doing well!
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