Thursday, January 22, 2009

Audra--5 months


Elwell Family said...

Love the hair accessories...where did you get them??? Whoever made them is AWESOME! Just kidding, your little Audra is such a pretty baby...just like her Mommy :)

DJWK said...

Megan-Audra is just beautiful. And my I say, you have a great eye for capturing her beauty! Hey, so whats up...I need to email you!


so beautiful!

Molly said...

She's adorable!

Rachel said...

Megan-I've had your blog in my google reader for months now and just realized that I don't think I've ever left you a comment! I really, really enjoy your photography (Audra's 5 month slideshow is breathtaking) and your kids are adorable. I'm also doing some photography now ( I'm thinking you should do it professionally if you're not already. Anyway, that wasn't the point of this comment. I just wanted to say hello and that I'm stalking your family from Oregon. :) It's great to see you again!! Rachel (Henken) Allred

Angi said...

You're pictures are AWES!!! (that's cool talk for awesome!) but it's hard to go wrong with such beautiful models!

Andrea said...

I'm so glad I had a chance to hang with this baby over Christmas! She's the most joyous little baby person ever!