Sunday, March 1, 2009

New York City
I've always considered myself a country gal. You know...the kind that could live in the mountains, miles and miles from anyone else, living off my garden, a river and my wind turbine. Cities have always been intriguing to me, but I've never considered actually LIVING in one. Until a week ago. My first trip to the big apple was amazing!! I'm sure it helps that we were visiting my good friend Ashley and her boys and they happen to live a block from central park (my newest outdoor love). I must admit, when she told me she was moving to downtown NY with her 3 boys, I thought she was a little crazy. But, I've been converted. I think I could actually live in NY. Although, it would only be cool if we lived right next door to our friends or better yet WITH them...

This spot is basically right across the street from our friend's home.

The hostess with the mostess

Benners. We love you.

Enough said

This park is AMAZING!!!

Landon and Toby pretending to be the dude on the horse statue.

The "Castle"

This was the best "pose" I got from my first born.

Taylor's boyfriend.

Tough dudes

Audra's boyfriend.

Taylor inside the castle

This is how the boys looked all day. As you can see, they don't
even notice other people on the path. Needless to say, Ashley and I got a lot of "looks" from people. We just pretended we didn't know who's kids they were.

At the bottom of that hill (above) there was a pile of beauty bark.
This is what happens when a bunch of little boys find a pile of dirt. They could have
been there all day.

Still digging.

A muddy spot the boys found.

Me and Ash on a joyride. We let the kids
babysit themselves. I know it's strange, but for some
reason, whenever we ride our bikes, we look like men. In this shot,
I'm wearing blue, and obviously winning the race.

Museum of natural history--the one on "Night at the Museum." Only a
block or two from our friend's place. It is a HUGE museum. Apparently, strollers
are not allowed in the elevators. Only persons perfectly capable of walking upstairs or
using escalators are allowed.

The parking lot for our sweet rides.

When we weren't outside, this is how the boys spent their time.

Ben and Taylor in the hot tub.

We were all wiped at the end of our glorious trip. Can't wait to
go again this month.



that looks so fun! i'm jealous! my husband served in NY and i hope someday we will be able to go.

Trish said...

What an awesome trip! It looks like the kids had a blast out there! The kids are all getting so big, it's crazy. Take care!

Ashley said...

We're ready whenever you are! Although today we are snowed in so maybe wait a few days. Love you guys!

Brooke said...

So stinkin' fun! I'm totally jealous. We miss you guys:)

Andrea said...

ahh, so much fun, oh i miss NY! As a fellow country bumpkin I understand the draw, it's a great city.

P.S- Your friend has seriously cute kids!

Lesley said...

Fun times in NYC!!! I too, am a HUGE fan! I am jealous that you live so close! So much fun and Central Park is amazing! Glad you had a good time Meggie!