Thursday, September 10, 2009

Summer with out Erin

Erin was MIA for 5 weeks for officer training in Newport RI during July. He was looking forwardto gettin muscles and shooting a gun. Unfortunately for him (and me), he did not enter the muscle man contest when he got back, nor did he get to shoot a gun. Landon was the most disappointed--about the gun part. He still had a great time though. I have sweet memories of spending the Fourth of July with just my kids at a beautiful beach. I can still taste and smell that day. It was wonderful. Landon got to use his boogie board for the first time (and so did I), we found tons of sand dollars and the kids were happy. It's nice to think back on that day and the summer. It felt like 5 weeks with out Erin would never come to an end, but now it feels like it flew by. We picked him up at his officer training graduation. The officers in training had to stand at attention for an hour. A few of them passed out, which made the whole ceremony quite entertaining and enduring for a mother with 3 young children. I tried to keep them quiet, while the rude woman a few seats down kept glaring at all the mothers of young children, telling them (so politely under her breath) that they were being rude and their children were "not funny at all." I stared (ever so politely) back and laughed at her. I must say, though, that my kids were well behaved.


erin said...

haha! Kaia has the pink adidas sweatsuit coordinating with Taylor's purple sweatsuit!! And I love the pic with the Stay-Puft marshmallow clouds in the looks like you created them! And Erin looks so dapper in his uniform. thanks for sharing!! P.S. Do you have pictures for me from may yet????

Lesley said...

Cute pictures Megan! Looks like you guys have been busy and doing fun things. I am glad that Erin is back with you. How are you liking DC? I have been meaning to email you my sister's info, sorry that I am a little late/slow in that dept! I love your family picture-what a good-looking family! Happy Fall!

Elwell Family said...

So cute. Eric looks so spiffy in his uniform :) Glad you survived the 5 weeks without a husband! We miss you all!

Cavan, Sarah, KaeLynn said...

WOW! your beach is so amazing! I'm jealous! You guys are so cute!

Ashley said...

I've ben hearing about Erin and that white suit for 4 years now! It's nice to see that it FINALLY became a reality. So handsome Erin!

Love you guys.

Scott and Carol Decker said...

Well done, I don't know how you get and do all that on your own.....congrats to Erin.

Pete and Repete said...

Guns and man muscles? Erin should have joined the Army like his manly predecessor, Pete.

Brooke said...

So happy for you guys. Super congrats! As always, love the pics, keep 'em coming.

Teeps Peeps said...

Megan, I think you are the most beautiful person in the world. :) And I think you take pictures that make me happy. I'm glad your family is reunited. Buzz went to his first karate class ever today. I don't know if I've ever seen him so...inspired. Made me think of our boys and their deep desire to protect. I love it.