Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A day in the life...

Wake up around 6am. Erin's already left for his run to work. Workout. Kids wake up--always happy it's a new day. Make pancakes with blueberries and whip cream. But run out of whip cream when it finally gets to be my turn. Oh, the life of the mama. Landon sings "Pants on the Ground." And then sings it some more with his pants off his body and on the kitchen floor. Then puts his pants on and sings "Pants on the Landon, Pants on the Landon." Order children to get ready for the day--about a million times. Lead Landon in piano practice. What normally should last 15 minutes, turns into a 30 minute lesson. But he endures. Use the bathroom--take extra long to have some time without children hanging all over me. Sometimes I use the bathroom even if I don't need to go, just for some alone time. Flush toilet, toilet floods while I'm on it. Not cool. Landon gets plunger. Clean bathroom thoroughly while pants are around ankles. Help build Lego firetruck. Buckle Taylors princess dress--daily. Feed Audra--again. Kids clean entire room and playroom--awesome! Friend picks up kids for an hour at the gym. Hurry to get whatever I can get done in one hour--emails, phone calls, hem some pants. Kids get home--feed kids again. Let kids watch TV--hey it's a day off! Play and sing "If We Hold On Together" (our family theme song) with the girls at the piano. They sing and play with me. Love it! Sit down to dinner. Taylor calls me Captain and salutes. Eat Mahi Mahi with rice and french beans. Rice all over the floor. Landon does dishes. Taylor cleans off table. Audra roams around hitting brother and sister. I finish cleaning up while kids have a jam session on the keyboard. Kids done with jam session. They come into kitchen looking like a chinese dragon with a big brown blanket over their heads. They say they're a hot dog. The chinese dragon/hot dog walks out and Taylor runs into the couch and hits her head on the hard wood. Chinese dragon/hot dog abruptly ends. Lay kids on rug and throw blanket over them like a parachute--entertainment for hours. But it's bed time Read books--"Knuffle Bunny" for Taylor, some baby one for Audra. Brush teeth while Landon serenades us on the harp. Put girls to bed. Sing "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" to Audra and "I am a Child of God" to Tay. Family prayers--Taylor says it. She says "Thank you for my friend took us to the gym and that I came home with mommy. And bless Daddy will come home tonight." Say happies and sads--Taylors happy--the gym with Danielle; Taylor's sad--she didn't get to go to the gym yesterday with Danielle. Landon reads books--"We Can Share It" and a Curious George. He's gotten really good at reading. We have a nice conversation (see below). Carry Landon to bed like a baby--way to big to do that, but he loves it. His song pick tonight: "Love is Spoken Here." Happy--gym; sad--Dad didn't come home. Watch American Idol. Erin comes home late 9:30. I miss basketball, but I'm happy to give Erin his Hump Day (aka middle of the week hump, you sickos) gift. Email, blog, "research" internet for swimsuits. No luck. Bed time!!!


Ashley said...

"My humps, my humps"-just so everyone knows, Landon would come over to my house when he was 2 singing that song. "Hump" is used a lot in the Palmer house.

Cavan, Sarah, KaeLynn said...

I love it! Sounds like a pretty typical day... and I only have one little one to worry about! LOL Miss you guys!

Brooks Family said...

I love reading your blog. You are such a wonderful, creative, nurturing mom! Japan sounds like an adventure! How long will you be about the details. Ashley Ryning(now Heiskanen) is coming over tomorrow with her new baby Maila. And Micah is bringing Charlotte-she's a hoot, she's a very serious/stoic kid. It's funny. Have a great day! Oh,because you know what this is..I'm getting my Doula Certification in May..I'm very excited. I've pretty much given up on my Blog, but I go on Facebook from time to time. Take Care, Rachael

Angi said...

OK I've read it again and again but I don't understand exactly what the "gift" is...and I ask myself what does one give a seaman for hump day?

Please feel free to delete this.


Holy cow....I was tired just reading it. Isn't mommy-life fun?!