Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oura Wan

 Our Oki family. 

 We made a little island with the treasures we found at the beach.

 Landon is digging the hole to hold his palm tree.



erin said...

Is it too funny that I thought I was looking at Kaia (but really it was Audra) because she wears that EXACT outfit here? Same green hoodie with monkeys and then pink leggings. Awww, mom's and cousn's have the same taste!! Thanks for the updates!!!!

Ashley said...

Ok. 2 things:
Who is that blonde baby you are calling yours? Micah is a stranger to me and I'm DYING because of it. But man, she's beautiful!!!
And 2, all those Oki people look cool and all, but you just remember who your real family is alright! And when are you moving back here? This is getting ridiculous.