Friday, February 22, 2008

Turkey for me and a turkey for you...

It was a big day today! No morning workout. Sleep in. Build airport runways out of cardboard and tape all around the living room with Landon. Library trip. Grocery store. Bring in groceries. Feed hungry kids. Put kid to sleep. Watch the snow fall outside....why not make a turkey dinner too? So that's what we did. Never before have we attempted this feat. But with Martha at my side (plus two cookbooks, one pamphlet and my mini chef in training) I felt confident. Landon and I ripped bread into a bowl side by side on the floor. He said he likes the 99 cent store bought bread better than my homemade. We used both. Then Landon worked on getting the turkey out of it's netting with his scissors. He's quite the pro. He tried cutting the quilt on our bed the other morning. After the netting, the turkey wrapper was cut and then he attempted to slice away the turkey itself. But, the blood gushing from the wrapping stopped him in his tracks. "Mom!!! Why is there blood gushing from the chicken? That is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!" And he was disgusted until I made the turkey start to dance around. But he wouldn't dare try and stuff the turkey. He got a little brave and at least touched the top of the bird. He was more interested in the makeshift turkey roaster and rack we concocted. A trow-away roasting pan with metal skewers poked through either side for a rack should work, right? Wrong. After 45 minutes of poking, cutting, ripping, wrestling, I gave up. Landon gave up on me as soon as I started getting snippy with him for playing with the skewers and using them like drumsticks on every appliance in the kitchen. He went back to cutting and taping his 11 foot long airport runway. In the end, an ordinary casserole dish on top of a baking sheet with a cooling rack on top. Very high tech. End of story: The picture above explains it all....Sorry about the epistle, but, c'mon, it was my first turkey.


Brooke said...

GO Mego! It looks perfect. I would have never suspected it was cooked on top of a cooling rack! You're awesome!!!

Ann said...

have any left overs for us? way to go! the first turkey is a HUGE accomplishment-i'm so proud (sniffle and small tear running down my cheek).

Joanne said...

way to go, daughter. You, Landon, and "Martha" make quite a team. I used to call my mom for directions every time I did a turkey. Congratualtions!! BTW, how did the run way turn out?!?

Megan R. said...

Wow Megan! Is that really your turkey or is that from a magazine! It's beautiful.
After reading your post, I was telling Aaron that I lead a pretty boring life, I need to try to cook a turkey too!

Lesley said...

WOW!!! What a feat! Seriously, I am very impressed! I am also impressed that you did it with Landon! What a good, patient mommy! It looks beautiful! I bet Erin loved coming home to some Thanksgiving feast! Jared would but knows unfortunately that's a long shot! I should though!

megan said...

So for everyone's info--the picture is not really of MY turkey...however, mine looked exactly like it :)

Pete and Repete said...

I like to eat turkey in my big brown shoe...